October 14, 2008

Interview Questions

1)++i=i++ and i++=++i

2)Features of OOPS

3)Initilizaion List in C++

4)Types of Constructors

5)return type of constructor

6)copy constructor and assignment opertrator

7)Explicit constructor

8)Mutable keyword

9)Use of extern

10)Casting Dynamic cast and static cast

11)difference in mutable and static cast

12)Type of overloading

13)Virtual function

14)use of VTable

15)Abstract Class

16)destructor be virtual?

17)volatile qualifier

18) SafeArrays

19)Object Slicing

20)Polymorphic class

21)A persistent varible

22) Size of class with declaration of virtual function and without declaration of any function

23) #Pragma

24)Inline and Macro




Dynamic Function with Argument like printf

What is the difference between a ‘thread’ and a ‘process’?

How to prevent memory leaks


Two processes can share memory in a number of ways.

1. Memory-mapped files
2. Shared memory segments
3. Message queues
4. Named pipes

what is OSI model and Layer of Model

IPC mechanisms are supported by Windows:

Clipboard ,COM ,Data Copy ,DDE ,File Mapping ,Mailslots ,Pipes ,RPC ,Windows Sockets .

type of pipes
type of socket
type of protocol
version of protocol
method in client side and method of server side

what is COM and DCOM
basic method of COM
WMI Process


what do mean by AFX

Model and modelless dialog how to create

Document/View Articture

difference between DDE/DDX

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